Environmental Quality Modeling

Environmental Quality Modeling

Statement of Work for Programming Environment and Training (PET) Assistance to the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP).



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Project Summary

The purpose of this contract is to assist Mississippi State University (MSU), the prime contractor, in supporting the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) in the implementation of PET across Components 1, 2 and 3 of the program. The contractor will supply all labor and materials to effectively implement the goals, vision and strategies of the PET program as described in the PET Statement of Objectives (December 20, 2000). This implementation shall also be consistent with the requirements in the PET BAA (December 20, 2000). The period of performance for the contract is June 1, 2001 — May 31, 2004. It is a three-year basic contract with five one-year optional extensions.


TICAM will support the following areas: Environmental Quality Modeling (EQM); Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM). All TICAM support for PET will be contracted through the University of Texas at Austin Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) under the subcontract.


TICAM shall provide required support to the following PET Components and Functional Areas (FAs):

  • Component 1 EQM (NAVO, SSC, MS)
  • Component 3 CSM (ERDC, Vicksburg, MS)

Core support shall be as follows:

Task 4. EQM:

  • 0.25 FTE – EQM FAPOC at TICAM
  • 0.10 FTE – EQM Administrator at TICAM
  • 1.0 FTE – EQM lead on-site at ERDC.

Effort required to conduct persistent training in EQM shall be included, consistent with the PET Training Plan for each contract year.

Task 11. CSM:

  • 0.25 FTE – CSM FAPOC at TICAM
  • 0.10 FTE – CSM Administrator at TICAM
  • 1.0 FTE – CSM lead on-site at ARL.

Effort required to conduct persistent training in CSM shall be included, consistent with the PET Training Plan for each contract year.

Security: A Secret security clearance is required for subcontractor employees located on-site at government installations.

TICAM shall implement PET via a combination of core support and project tasks. Core support encompasses all full-time on-site and university lead personnel. It includes the following subtasks:

  • Technical Support
  • Productivity Enhancements
  • Technology Transfer and Transition Support
  • Training Content
  • Community Development

Project tasks will be developed by submitting proposals to the Government on an annual basis and will be approved for 1-3 year periods of performance.

In addition to core support and project tasks, TICAM shall respond from time to time to specified tasks based on unanticipated needs and available funding from multiple Government sources. This response shall be in accordance with an Indefinite Duration, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) provision in the prime contract.

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