

The Center for Subsurface Modeling uses several leading-edge software technologies for petroleum and groundwater modeling. Simulators currently used by the Center for Subsurface Modeling include:

A New Generation Framework for Petroleum Reservoir Simulation

As part of the ACTI project, we have developed a simulator framework IPARS (Integrated Parallel Accurate Reservoir Simulator) to serve as a test-bed for multiphase flow models, numerical discretizations, solvers, and upscaling. Read more >>


The Parallel Subsurface Simulator I, a single phase flow and multicomponent reactive transport simulator. Various additional software packages have been developed to facilitate the research of the CSM. These include:


A general purpose hp-adaptive code for discontinuous Galerkin finite element simulations in three space dimensions. It provides basic technical infrastructure for flow and transport simulations, and possesses refinement/de-refinement capabilities and multi-level linear equations solver.


A Parallel Cell-Centered Finite Difference Elliptic Solver, using the Balancing formulation of non-overlapping domain decomposition as a preconditioner. More >>


A domain decomposition package for solving discretized elliptic equations using the Parallel Overlapping Additive Schwarz method as a preconditioner. Here is a timing graph comparing these preconditioners with Jacobi (diagonal) preconditioned conjugate gradient iteration. More >>


The Texas Unstructured Flow Code, a C++ implementation of mixed finite element methods on general geometries (triangles and tetrahedra, as well as quadrilaterals and hexahedra) for single phase flow problems with full tensor coefficients. An example shows a sample 2-D grid illustrating mesh adaptivity near wells, along with the resulting pressure field.


A 3D visualization tool.