IPARS Documentation
Files: IPARS/doc/ Description
frame.txt General description of IPARS framework
framein.txt, reader.txt, readpar.txt IPARS framework input/output
Boundary.txt General boundary conditions
MB.txt, MBflow.txt Multiblock capability
mem.txt Memory management
mmodel.txt Multi-model formulation
README How to build an ipars executable
size.txt IPARS compiling preprocessor
Stone.doc Three-phase relative permeability
table.txt Input block data of table or functions
vis.txt, vis1.txt, visPV3.txt Visualization
well.txt, welman.txt Well data input and management
ygmres.txt GMRES linear solver and preconditioners
IPARS/doc/models/ Physical model documentation
mem.txt Memory management
mmodel.txt Multi-model formulation

Other sources of (printed) documentation on IPARSv2, mainly model manuals:


Written by Center for Subsurface Modeling