IPARS Parallel Runs

  • Prepare an input file and copy it to the directory where you want to run ipars
    gxl@bevo2:~/ipars/IPARSv2/work> mkdir Run
    gxl@bevo2:~/ipars/IPARSv2/work>cd Run
    gxl@bevo2:~/ipars/IPARSv2/work>cp ../data/hydro1.dat ./

    NOTE: Input file can be any that runs in serial mode. Special (additional keywords) may include METHOD, NPROCS.
  • Bevo2 uses a queuing system to submit, manage, and monitor the jobs being performed. You must write a submit script in order to submit a job to the queue.
  • Create a job submit script file (gxljob)
    #$ -pe mpich 16
    #$ -cwd
    #$ -N gxljob
    #$ -S /bin/bash
    Source ~/.bashrc
    module load intel
    module load mvapich
    module load mkl
    /share/apps/mvapich/intel/bin/mpirun \
    -np $NSLOTS -machinefile $TMP/machines \
  • Create batch file IPARS.IN
    gxl@bevo2:~/ipars/IPARSv2/work/Run> cat IPARS.IN
  • Submit bevojob to the queue
    gxl@bevo2:~/ipars/IPARSv2/work/Run> qsub gxljob
  • Check the status of your job
    gxl@bevo2:~/ipars/IPARSv2/work/Run> qstat
    job-ID prior name user state submit/start at queue master ja-task-ID
    774 0 gxljob gxl qw 08/07/2005 23:39:47

    gxl@bevo2:~/ipars/IPARSv2/work/Run > qstat
    job-ID prior name user state submit/start at queue
    774 0 gxljob gxl t 08/07/2005 23:39:55 compute-0- MASTER
        0 gxljob gxl t 08/07/2005 23:39:55 compute-0- SLAVE
        0 gxljob gxl t 08/07/2005 23:39:55 compute-0- SLAVE
    774 0 gxljob gxl t 08/07/2005 23:39:55 compute-1- SLAVE
        0 gxljob gxl t 08/07/2005 23:39:55 compute-1- SLAVE
  • Cancel your job
    gxl@bevo2:~/ipars/IPARSv2/work/Run> qdel <jobID>
  • View hydro1.out for standard output
  • View <jobname>.o<jobID> for screen output
  • View <jobname>.e<jobID> for error message

Written by Center for Subsurface Modeling