Checkout Source Code

  1. Require permission to use IPARS. Contact Mary F. Wheeler:
  2. Require a user account at ICES. Contact Sysnet:
  3. Check to be a member of “csm”, “wheeler” and
    “wheeler3” groups:
      <water>/h1/gxl/ groups gxl
      gxl : wheeler oden wheeler3 csmprinters
  4. Check on your machine that cvs is working and it is
    in your path (cvs-Concurrent Versions System:
      <water>/h1/gxl/ which cvs
  5. Check that your machines “sees” CVS repository, /org/centers/csm/SOURCE/
      <water>/h1/gxl/ ls /org/centers/csm/SOURCE/

      Comm CVSROOT gct IPARSv2 kelp1.1 kparcel ktuf mparcel oldkparcel pss config-defs
      deflate IPARS IPARSv3 kelp1.2 kscript MB NDAGH Parssim Utility

    If something doesn't work, then stop here and contact

  6. Make a directory for IPARS source code.
      <water>/h1/gxl/ mkdir IPARS
      <water>/h1/gxl/ cd IPARS
  7. Check out a complete source code of IPARSv2.
      <water>/h1/gxl/IPARS/ cvs -d /org/centers/csm/SOURCE checkout IPARSv2
      <water>/h1/gxl/IPARS/ ls
  8. Alternately, you can add path of repository to the environment variable
    CVSROOT. For example, in bash shell, add the statement:
      “export CVSROOT=/org/centers/csm/SOURCE” to your .bashrc file.
      <water>/h1/gxl/IPARS/ cd IPARSv2
      <water>/h1/gxl/IPARS/ ls

      air/ dgimpes/ fixtypes.sed* MACE/ parall/ solve/ work/
      airv2/ dgmisci/ hydro/ make/ poroe/ STL.tar.gz
      black/ doc/ hydroe/ MBLib/ print/ trchem/
      blackn/ drive/ input/ mblk/ single/ util/
      CVS/ exec/ IPARSv2/ memman/ singlei/ visual/
      data/ fixtypes* lapack/ mmodel/ size/ wells/

Written by Center for Subsurface Modeling