IPARS Multiblock Source Code

  1. Multiblock code in IPARSv2 exists mainly in the "mortar" flavor.
  2. Calls to mortar-specific routines are associated with
    keyword $MORTAR.
  3. The currently used framework "mortar" code is based on MACE (Multiblock Adaptive Computational Engine).
      MACE library: IPARSv2/MACE
  4. IPARS-specific multiblock framework code is in
  5. Model dependent code for mortar multiblock is in model directories. Example: see object list in hydroi.mak
      MBOBJ = hm_util$(O) hfault$(O) hm_pc$(O) hm_vars$(O)
    • hm_util, hfault: initialization and setup of mortar boundary conditions
    • hm_vars: different choices of primary unknowns on the interface
    • hm_pc: implementation of mortar interface preconditioner


Written by Center for Subsurface Modeling